I have visited the STAR TREK EXPERIENCE at the Las
Vegas Hilton on several occasions. My most recent visit had
something a little extra special I wanted to share with you. In
the Admirals Collection Gift Shop was one of the replica models of the
original U.S.S. Enterprise, built by Greg Jein, for the STAR TREK- Deep
Space Nine Episode "Trials and Tribble-ations." The
model is exactly 1/2 scale the original series 11 foot production
model. The replica is 1 of an original 12 produced for sale.
It is probably the most accurate replica of the original model ever
built. I could have taken the model home for $10,000, but I
haven't won the lottery yet! I have a few pictures below of
the model. The store clerk made me stop taking pictures after 8
shots! I could not get any shots of the top of the model because
it was suspended from the ceiling.